Mind : The Perpetual Intercourse

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


OK! UNLADYLIKE...I realize that this is not especially appropriate for me to use this forum as my personal pundit Blog, but just for today I'm going to go off on a little rant, as I've worked really hard for change in this countries political landscape, doing a somewhat merciless weekly political satire cable access show, and things like the 900 coffin march past the RNC. That was me & friends behind that statement. Hey, it's a free country, isn't it. RIGHT? Today I woke up and looked at the digital clock.. it said 9:11. How ironic I thought, me who watched live from my rooftop the 2nd plane slam into the World Trade Center about 1 mile away. It scared the bejesus out of me like the rest of the world, possibly even more than most, as I was there at Ground Zero 2 days after the horrorshow doing what I could to help. 3 years later, and many, many more dead in a sensless war authored, signed and delivered by a madman and his even darker walrus, we elect said same monster (Cheney) and his hand puppet Bush, and become even more polarized around the globe, except where an arsehole loves an asshole, if you know what I mean there, I'm sure that you do, and will invariably see for sure our civil liberties stripmined as Bush and his pumped up army of jingoistic right wing bible thumpers appoint Scallea versions 2, 3, & 4, and raise their own collective corporate swastika overshadowing the majority of the public domain, blotting out you're sun. This election has weakened my faith in America. Big time. Mad you say? You bet. Ashamed to have to call myself an American. Possibly. We as a country did just what Osama wanted, to isolate us even more so throughout the globe, a result of a miscalculated national sense of invincability, our own headlong abandon as global pit bull snarling down the bloodline and it's link to the "righteous" cesspool that is organized religion, giving himself even more self proclaimed authority to recruit more zealots to his bidding. Mark my words, he is going to go down in history as a pivotal figure not unlike Hitler. Increased death & war are now what we face as a nation, and most probably, the national centers of openmindedness will take the hit again for gun loving, homophobic, racist,non secular revisionist assholes, of which it seems we harbor far in a way the greater half, more than our share, apparently. Historically it happens over & over. As example, in WWII, Berlin, arguably at the time the European equivilant of NYC took the biggest hit in the endrun, where Weimar German society AKA Berlin hid the MOST jews, maintained an OPENESS to homosexuality, drag, art , cabaret, music, literature, science and philosophy. Bombed into rubble. All resulting from ONE agressive Bavarian's puritanical will to power. Smells like mean spirit. It's always those scared bordertown reactionaries that kick incessintly at the collective groin of culture... I get scared still sometimes living in NYC, I am within the inner ring of a nuclear blast. but it's the only society here that is wonderfully global. I wish like the Quebecoise tried, and continue to promote, that this city could seceed from the US, and become the one world country that it can be said welcomes all, and is all that and a bag of chips. Maybe as the Taco Bell blipvert suggests: HEAD FOR THE BORDER! Yes,I AM a bit stressed, as I have worked very hard for several years now for a more equitable society. I lived in Europe once upon a time, in a beautiful place where it was OK to wear a skirt without much notice (Scotland) and everytime that America made a stupid call, the collective eyes of Europe would roll, and I would get blamed for the trouble brought on by bad leadership and poor decisions just by being American, and would have to defend the difference between politics & populace. If I could return there, and maintain a reasonable living, I would go in a heartbeat. Incredible that we have the biggest federal deficit in history, record unemployment, a faltering economy that sees us being outgunned economically by more realistic workers globally, big business like Haliburtan & Enron laughing & thumbing their noses at YOU, Outright lies being spoonfed to a nation co-opted into war with no recourse except to see their hard earned dollars being blown up instead of helping the people of this country, and the laundry list goes on & on... I guess that education just ain't selling this year..........it's all such a fucking windup!
I hope that one day this population will wake up and smell the coffee, and that it won't take 1, 2, 3, or more disasterous examples to bring forth the collective unconcious to a state desiring peace and friendship with all peoples. We really have alot to learn, and a long, long way to go. This lesson is going to be repeated until we do. Our gift of privilage is taken too lightly, so it seems... unbelievable, really.
As for this site, I'm glad that it's here, and that it remains a haven for meeting likeminded individuals. United we stand, divided we fall. To that end, I would say to those who deliberately dish bad marks to fellow sisters either from jealousy, low self esteem, or whatever petty & vindictively trite reason, possibly you can't seem to lift yourself out of the generality of mindless bog standard and frivilous writer's block, go take a course. get some respect, some help, or whatever. I hear this complaint plenty from alot of girls, and I felt that as long as I'm ranting about the former, I might just as well air those panties as well while I'm at it for those who won't say it in this venue. I am very glad for meeting some extreemly smart, genuine & wonderful people here, and I hope that continues. We can and should be supportive of each other, soon they will be coming for you're internet too. Anyway, I'll stop here, and leave this up for a day or two, after that, it's business as usual. Anyone with any thoughts are very welcome to email me. As for now though, my darlings, peace be the journey. Bri


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